Renaissance Universal

On January 26, 1958 Shrii Shrii Anandamurtijii launched the Renaissance Universal  (RU) movement in the village of Trimuhan, Bhagalpur District of Angadesh. At this time, He delivered the extensive discourse “Problems of the Day” to the Progressive Writers’ Federation (which was later to become – RAWA – Renaissance Artists’ and Writers’ Association). Thereafter at major functions, He used to deliver an RU speech on such remarkable topics like microvita,  dogma, symbolization, Dharma and more. Above all He sent His followers everywhere to speak out against caste, superstition and bigotry. This bigotry is not just found in small villages, it is also found in universities and government offices filled with people having small minds. Just as people dogmatically accepted superstition without any rational analysis, in the same way they accepted capitalist and communist dogmas. This is why the “Liberation of the Intellect” of humanity as foremost in the mind of Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrti.


“Mundane knowledge and spiritual knowledge must be as free as light and air; and like the unhindered flow of a fountain, they must keep society in a dynamic state and be a continuous source of inspiration to one and all.” –Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrti


“The Renaissance Movement aims for an enlightenment and a resuscitation of subtler and higher thinking in human beings. I want that every person should be guaranteed the minimum physical requirements of life, every person should get scope for the full exploitation of psychic potentiality, every person should get equal opportunity to attain absolute truth, and endowed with all the glories and achievements of the world, every person should march towards the Absolute. In and through this movement human beings should be made conscious of the purpose and meaning of life.”

  • Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrti

Aims and Objectives

  1. To accelerate human evolution through intellectual revolution in order to usher in a collective enlightenment and renaissance in every language and culture of this planet.
  1. To work for the establishment of a society of universal sisterhood and brotherhood based on study, service and sacrifice.
  1. To plead for universal peace via a World Bill of Rights, World Constitution and World Government based on the cardinal values of societies around the world to end political persecution of minorities, indigenous peoples and other repressed social groups.
  1. To protest against the inhuman use of scientific technology and demand science be liberated from capitalists and the national politicians and be put in the hands of a body run by scientists. To develop the science of microvita, to cause a renaissance in biology, chemistry, physics, psychology and cosmology.
  1. To contribute to an ideological and psychological change in the present social structure of human society – so all realize that it is verily One and Indivisible.
  1. To oppose all dogma, hypocrisy, divisive sentiments and compartmentalization (bhed-bhav) prevailing in the existing society and establish universalism in all domains of social and intellectual life.
  1. To create a consensus amongst intellectuals and all contemplative, caring people about how to lead society to become Dharmic (righteous) and be established in Satyam (immutable veracity), Shivam (zenith benevolence, Consciousness) and Sundaram (Divine Beauty).
  1. To fight against intellectual capitalism (selling their brains to the corrupt) and all inertia and procrastination amongst the intellectuals and general population.
  1. To end violence, exploitation, hatred and discrimination based on irrational disparities such as a) specie-ism (human himsa against the natural world), b) birth disparities (caste, class, religion, nation), c) colour disparities (race, ethnicity), d) gender disparities (ending patriarchy)
  1. To fight against economic exploitation – regionally, nationally and globally – and establish economic swarájya (sovereignty) in every region (samája) of this planet.
  2.  To end all forms of cultural exploitation and imperialism; to end the spread of pseudo-culture (pornography, violent entertainment) and to restore collective psychic (mental, emotional, intuitional) health, balance and “joie de vivre” through all forms of social service, cultural programmes and spiritual practices.
  3. To foster all movements for a mystical (bhakti) revolution through devotional dialogues, songs, kiirtana and meditation.